PRESENT:Councillors: Jon Aldington (JA), Paul Allen (PA), Sue Baker (SB), Francis Plumptre (FP), Karen Stanford (KS), 7 Members of the Public
Councillor Stanford took notes
Members of the public commented on the Fitzwalters Meadows Development:Ecological survey objections
- Bigger properties (changing from 2 x 3 bedroom and 1x 4
bedroom and now its changed to 2 x 4 bedroom and 1 x 5
bedroom) have resulted in
- small turning circles
- Residents have lost the 2 visitor spaces the residents were promised
- Additional parking and vehicles to support the bigger properties
- Fire brigade safety concerns – limited access, and were not consulted and no emergency access
- Windows may be facing existing properties
- Development is likely to impact the conservation area, heritage feedback appears to be ignored
- Blind corners and impact on existing properties, removal of planned pathway
- Site entrance as Fitzwalters Meadow – not big enough for construction vehicles, safety issue for pedestrians and vehicles, hedge is protected so no access through Boyes Lane.
- Heating oil deliveries/rubbish collections will struggle to get into the new proposed development
- Pathway removed, entrance via Boyes Lane removed – safety concerns
- Overhead electricity cables are close to site and they want to move them even closer
- Maintenance of the road – it’s a private road, residents currently pay into a fund to support infrastructure through a management company
- Supportive of thoughtful development but think the development is not too vast of the available space
- Flooding when heavy rain/water disposal
- No passing spaces
- Verges are being destroyed
- Speed issues
- Lack of adhering to traffic management plan – the response was they haven’t started, they have actually started and work is taking place.
- Council agreed to raise with Dover District Council
Action Clerk
No declarations of interestPLANNING
- Planning Applications
- DOV/24/00847
Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 22/01225 (Erection of 3 no. detached dwellings, associated parking and landscaping) to allow enlargement of dwellings, reposition of plot 1 and 2, erection of car ports and associated landscaping. Discharge of conditions 3,4,7 and 10.
Location: Land North East of Fitzwalters Meadow, Boyes Lane, Goodnestone, CT3 1FB Discussions were held, RESOLVED to strongly object to this application on the grounds that access is limited for: emergency services (Fire Brigade have expressed concerns), for refuse collection, larger deliveries and for construction access. There has been a reduction in the number of visitor parking spaces so there is now insufficient provision, the maintenance of the road is a concern as it is a private road, residents currently pay into a fund to support infrastructure through a management company. Concerns were also raised about safety as the access width through Fitzwalter’s Meadow is not wide enough so worries about pedestrians and vehicles on the road, reversing large vehicles on Boyes Lane as well as the pathways being removed in recent plans and no new plan for refuse collection points. Concerns also include that the overhead electricity cables have been moved closer to the site, the properties are now larger so would need additional parking and visitor parking for these larger properties and the development now goes right to the edge of the plot and is too large for this site. There is a lack of turning circles within the development which would lead to dangerous reversing by large vehicles. The houses do not fit in with the rest of the village as they are executive and non-traditional homes, they need to be sympathetic to the existing housing in the village. There is no public transport in the village to support bigger families in these larger homes and all previous objections remain valid - DOV/23/00951
Proposal: Approval of reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping for 39 residential dwellings on phase 3 parcel 1, together with details for conditions 2,21,22,24, 25,35,37,38,39 and 42 pursuant to outline planning permission 19/00821.
Location: Phase 3, Parcel 1, Land for Aylesham Village Expansion North Of, Dorman Avenue North, Aylesham.
RESOLVED no comment on this application.
- DOV/24/00847