About Holy Cross

Holy Cross is a traditional, but forward looking Anglican church community, drawn from and serving the people of Goodnestone and the surrounding area.

As a church family, we long to see people come to know God’s love for themselves and to grow in their relationship with Him.

For 800 years our lovely church building has stood at the centre of our picturesque and historic village. The building has recently undergone substantial interior renovation to restore it to its former beauty. The organ has also been fully restored recently. Concerts take place regularly. Details can be found on the Goodnestone Music website.

The church is open every day to visitors and is available to all as a special place of peace, tranquility and spiritual support.

Holy cross occupies a very special place in the heart of our village community. Services are very family friendly and visitors are assured of a very warm welcome.

Our Mission

… is to reach out to the surrounding community with the love of God…

… and to be a place of welcome and spiritual nurture to the church family and the wider community…

…where the love of Jesus is shown.

The Leadership Team

Priest with Responsibility:Vicar: Reverend Caroline Turvey (canonryvicar@gmail.com 01304 812296)
Church Wardens:Roddy Baker (Roderickbaker@btopenworld.com)
Sue Kittle (suekittle1@gmail.com)
Sacristan:Bridget Hawkins (bridgethawkins75@hotmail.com 01304 840458)
Treasurer:Sue Palmer
Secretary to PCC:Vacant
Benefice Secretary:Beth Barber (thecanonrybenefice@hotmail.com)
Director of Music:Denyer Kittle (denyer@doctors.org.uk)
Organist:Malcolm Kittle (malcolmkittle@hotmail.com)
Safeguarding OfficerSue Kittle (suekittle1@gmail.com)

Many residents of the village and the surrounding area contribute hugely to the life and work of Holy Cross – from helping to keep the church and churchyard clean and tidy to helping with services and in so many other ways. The church owes a huge debt of thanks to them for their faithful service.