Parish Council Agenda 29th November 2023

Thornton House, Thornton Lane, Eastry, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 0EU Tel: 01304 746036 / 07903 739792
21st November 2023
To all members of the Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Goodnestone Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 29th November 2023 at Goodnestone Village Hall 7.30pm, for the purposes of transacting the following business.
Joanna Jones
Joanna Jones – Clerk to the Parish Council

  2. PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION TIME: A short session set aside for parishioners to raise matters. Individual contributions should be kept to less than 5 minutes.
  4. MINUTES OF THE MEETING – 27th September 2023
    1. County Councillor
    2. District Councillor
    3. Council Members
    Action Action Owner Status Update
    22/23 – 014 Internet banking application KS On hold Awaiting decision on Parish Clerk
    23/24 – 001 Investigate Parish Clerk – Offer letter and contract to be issued JA Not started
    23/24 – 002 Communications workshop LL Not started
    23/24 – 004 Dog Poo Bin Costing KS/SB In progress Note: litter bins offers more capacity and can also accommodate dog fouling waste.

    1x Dog bin = £275.00
    1x Litter bin = £285.00
    Installation cost = £100.00
    Annual emptying fee = This depends on the location of the litter bin but its most likely to be around £45.69 (to be recharged annually)

    Decision to apply for litter bin once site of new noticeboard agreed
    23/24 – 008 DDC on Demand Bus Request for extension to Goodnestone KS In progress Bus is funded by section 106 funding which is linked to Aylesham development. Any extension to route would need to be agreed by Aylesham PC and DDC. Cost per journey is £3.50 and does not take bus passes as this is a private venture. PC will find out whether the community are interested in us pursuing this by putting it in Messenger to gauge interest. You can get it from the corner of Palm Tree Lane and Bonnington as that is on the current route.
    23/24 – 009 Footpaths Lower Rowling/Knowlton LL Not started Still issues on footpaths. LL to escalate current concerns to SC with reference code (available from online map)
    21/06 – 001 Draft Highways Improvement Plan SB In progress See item 8.1
    26/07 – 001 Investigate schemes for electric charging points JA Not started
    26/07 – 002 Draft standard letter for landowners for overgrown footpaths LL Not started
    26/07 – 003 Options for Parish Council Noticeboard – formal options to be presented at November meeting for sign off KS In progress
    27/09/001 Issue Statement of Case on Claypits Footpath JA Not started
    27/09/002 Speed Camera Battery and advice from KCC SM Not Started
    27/09/003 Wheelie bin stickers JA Not Started
    27/09/004 Knowlton Thankful memorial SB Not Started
    27/09/005 Dispose of old signage in Goodnestone SB/JA Not Started
    1. Officer report
    2. The KCC (Bridleway EE190 at Staple & Goodnestone) Definitive Map Modification Order 2022 – Planning Inspectorate Letter & KCC Email
    1. Progress on Highways Plan – Councillor Sue Baker
    2. New position for SID pole out of 20mph zone
    3. New battery for SID – £41.90
    4. KCC Highways Seminar – 1st December 9.30-12.30pm
    1. Parish Noticeboard for Goodnestone – Quotes
    2. Millenium Field – How to maximise usage and add value to the village
    3. Environmental Fund – Options for spending budget held over from previous year
    1. Section 137 Grant Application – Church
    2. Parish Clerk – 2022/23 Local Government Pay Agreement & Expenses
    3. Local Government Pension Scheme – Parish Council to join and approve membership of Clerk
    4. HMRC PAYE Scheme – In the process of registering
    5. Parish Council Insurance – Renewal quotes
    6. Natwest Bank Online – Parish Clerk to be registered
    7. Unity Trust Bank
    8. Fixed Asset Register
    9. Accounts – Budget v Actual to 30/09/2023
    10. Budget ideas 2024/25
    1. Payments to be approved
      Business Service Invoice Amount Proposed Seconded
      Kenny Ingram Battery for SID 1000321987 £41.90

      DDC Parish Council Elections 1013317 £1,606.89

    2. Payments to be reported (already paid)
      Business Service Invoice Amount Paid
      Roger Austin Mowing 2318 £168.00 9/10/23
    1. Planning Applications
      1. DOV/23/01233
        Proposal: Resurfacing of church access path
        Location: Holy Cross Church, The Street, Goodnestone, CT3 1PL
    1. Metal Detecting request
    2. DDC Election Changes
    3. KALC Draft Parish Charter
    4. Parishioner request – Neighbourhood Watch stickers
    5. Consultation Document – Kent Cycling & Walking Infrastructure – closes 10th Jan
    6. Kent Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2034 Consultation – ends 30th Jan
    1. Proposed KCC Consultation to Divest
    1. Website Information required – DPI links to DDC, AGAR – Bank reconciliation & Variances & 2023/24 Budget
  16. PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION TIME: A short session set aside for parishioners to raise matters. Individual contributions should be kept to less than 5 minutes.
    31st January 2024 – 7.30pm – Chillenden Village Hall
    27th March 7.30pm – Goodnestone Village Hall