Parish Council Grants

Local groups and organisations are able to request a grant from Goodnestone Parish Council.

Please read the guidance notes below and if you wish to make a grant application download a copy of the Goodnestone Parish Council grant application form, complete it, and follow the instructions on the form to return it.

Guidance Notes

All groups and organisations who are properly constituted and have a current bank account can apply for projects that benefit local communities.

Religious group applications will be considered, but must show that the project will bring wider community benefit.

Who can’t apply:

  • individuals
  • political party groups.
  • Groups that make a profit or where individual members or organisers make a financial gain.
  • Businesses

The grant is a one-off. There is no funding for any future costs.

You must use the grants for the reason stated in your application form.

Tips when filling in your form

  • Complete separate application forms if you are applying for funding for different projects.
  • Give a clear start date for the project.
  • Inform us on your application form if you are applying for another grant or fund.
  • Describe the broad community benefit that your project will bring. This must be for the benefit of local residents in Goodnestone Parish.
  • You do not need to have funding from other sources for your project. If you do, please state this in your application.
  • If your project needs any permissions (including from the landlord or local authority planning permission), you must obtain these before you apply.
  • All questions must be fully completed for us to consider your application.
  • Keep a copy of your application form for your records.