Councillors: Jon Aldington (JA), Paul Allen (PA), Sue Baker (SB), Francis Plumptre (FP), Karen Stanford (KS), Kent County Councillor Sue Chandler – KCC (SC), District Councillors Trevor Bartlett (TB) and Martin Porter (MB), 3 Members of the Public, Parish Clerk – Joanna Jones
None received
One member of the public explained in detail their forthcoming planning application to Dover District Council for refurbishing the Forge House. A second member of the public confirmed that the District Neighbourhood Watch Group meeting had been attended in Eastry and a WhatsApp group would be set up for Parishioners. The third member of the public did not wish to speak. The meting re-opened at 7.42pm.
No declarations of interest.
RESOLVED the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 31st January 2024 be duly signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of the meeting.
- County Councillor – Sue Chandler gave a report covering; the
current Kent County Council consultations, Kent’s Plan Tree
and the Windmills Consultation, the report will be out in May.
Questions were asked about the proposal of National Grid
pylons from Sellindge to Richborough potentially passing near
to the Parish, County Councillor Chandler responded that there
would be consultation events and she will follow up with Kent
County Council for an update.
Action KCC SC
- District Councillors – reports had been emailed out. District Councillor Trevor Bartlett apologised as the last two Parish Council meetings had clashed with Dover District Council Meetings. District Councillor Martin Porter gave a report covering the Solar Farm update and anti-social behaviour problems in Ash, the public are urged to report any incidents to the Police. The report also covered; DDC’s budget, the Great British Spring Clean, Sports Spectacular in Dover and the Fund available to support local businesses, contact the District Councillors for more information, he then wished everyone Happy Easter.
- Parish Councillors – no reports
- Community PC – PC Jon Bowler, did not attend.
Action ClerkAction | Owner | Status | Update |
Internet banking application | Clerk | Discharged | To open Unity Trust Current and Deposit Accounts – All information submitted, accounts open. |
Communications workshop | KS, Clerk | On-going | To organise communications workshop – feedback from parishioners was that more communication is required, the Newsletter is missed. KS, Clerk and Christine to meet and form a plan. |
Footpaths Lower Rowling/Knowlton | JA | On-going | Lower Rowling footpaths look to be ok, to inspect Knowlton footpaths and report on the KCC Public Rights of Way Reporting Tool, if needed. |
Millenium Field | Clerk | Discharged | How to maximise usage and add value to village – added to March agenda. |
Environmental Fund | Clerk | Discharged | Options for spending ring-fenced budget – added to March agenda |
Local Government Pension Scheme | Clerk | On-going | Parish Council to join and approve membership of Clerk – add to next agenda |
Fixed Asset Register | Parish Councillors / Clerk | On-going | Clerk to send list of assets to Parish Councillors, Parish Councillors to send photos of Fixed Assets to Clerk and identify a volunteer to check the defibrillators. Clerk to construct Fixed Asset Register. |
Co-Option | Clerk | Discharged | Declaration of Pecuniary Interest form submitted to Dover District Council |
Highway Improvement Plan | KS | On-going | Article in next Messenger to explain the importance of reporting all road accidents to the Police. |
20mph Tool Kit | SB | Discharged | Bin stickers, posters and banners to distributed around Parish |
Street light Out | KS | On-going | Article in next Messenger to explain how to report Highways faults, including potholes, on Kent County Council’s Highways Reporting Tool |
Parish Noticeboard/Bin | Clerk | Discharged | Clerk reported to DDC that Christine would monitor/empty proposed new bin if it overflowed. |
Mowing Contract | Clerk & FP | Discharged | Three quotes sourced for cutting Fairfield & Millenium Field |
Neighbourhood Watch – Stickers | KS | On-going | Details of stickers to be included in the next Messenger |
Draft Grant Application Form | JA | On-going | Clerk updated grant form, JA to put on website |
Natwest Bank Online | KS & JS | Discharged | Application submitted to register Clerk for Natwest Online Banking |
Precept Setting | Clerk | Discharged | Submit Precept Form submitted to DDC |
Annual Parish Assembly | KS | On-going | Speakers invited, details to be included in the next Messenger |
- Report – nothing further to report
- New position for Speed Indicator Device (SID) pole out of
20mph zone – Agreed by Kent County Council, cost £1,080.01.
Discussions were held, the SID is currently not working so put on hold until it is working, Cllr Baker to try and organise repair.Action SB
- Short Street Re- Lining Request from Parishioner – reported
to Kent County Council Highways
Noted by members
- Parish Noticeboard for Goodnestone – Park View Close site
agreed by Dover District Council – cost £718.04 from White
Hill Direct Ltd.
It was agreed that the Chillenden noticeboard needs to be moved to the bench seat by the information board, Cllr Allen to organise.Action Clerk
- New litterbin for Goodnestone – Park View Close site agreed
by Dover District Council – cost of bin and installation £350,
annual emptying cost £175 from Dover District Council.
RESOLVED to order the new bin and installation from Dover District Council for £350 and pay £175 for emptying, Clerk to organise.Action Clerk
- Millenium Field – How to maximise usage and add value to the
A parishioner had offered to graze sheep on Fairfield and the Millenium field, discussions were held, Cllr Stanford to check if grazing sheep on Fairfield was acceptable to the Headteacher, Clerk to ask permission from Gabriel Richard’s Trust to graze sheep on the Millenium Field. It was agreed to trial sheep grazing on both fields if permission is granted, Clerk to update parishioner.Action KS & Clerk
- Environmental Fund – Options for spending budget held over
from previous year.
Discussions were held, it was agreed to ask the Parishioners for ideas in the next edition of the Messenger.Action KS
- Mowing Contract – three quotes
The three quotes were considered, Clerk to thank the contractors, decision to be made once sheep situation is known.Action Clerk
- Defibrillators – codes now known, new pads required – £56
per set from Defib Store, registering with The Circuit
RESOLVED Clerk to order defibrillator pads and if required batteries from the Defib Store, once installed to register both defibrillators with The Circuit.Action Clerk
- Unity Trust Bank
Accounts are open, awaiting account numbers, Clerk to then arrange transfer of funds.Action Clerk
- Fixed Asset Register
On-going, nothing more to add. - Pensions Regulator – Declaration of Compliance completed
Noted by members. - Staff Salary Increase as of 1 April 2024
The Clerk is currently paid at SCP21 with an annual increment due in April 2024 making it SCP22 with future increments due in April each year to a maximum of SCP23, subject to satisfactory performance. Increase of 28p per hour, annual increase of £40.32 as at 1st April 2023.
RESOLVED Clerk to be paid at SCP22 from 1st April 2024. - Dover & District Bee Keepers Association – Grant request
– £50
RESOLVED to pay grant of £50 to Dover & District Bee keepers Association out of the Environmental Fund.Action Clerk
- AGAR – External auditors Mazars – deadline 30th June 2024,
Councillor Check & Internal Audit to organise
It was agreed that Cllr Stanford would complete the Councillor check of the accounts, previous Clerk would assist with location of Minutes and previous VAT return, Clerk to arrange internalAction KS & Clerk
- Risk Assessment 23/24
RESOLVED to adopt the Risk Assessment 2023/24. - Rural England Prosperity Fund Grant Scheme
Noted by members.
- Payments to be approved
RESOLVED the following payments should be made.
Joanna Jones Clerk’s Net Salary March £153.64 HMRC PAYE – March £38.60 Joanna Jones Clerk’s Expenses – Working from Home Allowance £22.00 White Hill Direct Ltd Goodnestone Noticeboard £861.65 Dover District Council New Bin & installation & emptying £525.00 Dover & District Bee Keepers Association Grant £50.00
- Planning Applications
- DOV/23/00951
Proposal: Approval of reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping for 39 residential dwellings on phase 3 parcel 1, together with details for conditions 2,21,22,24,25,32,35,37,38,39,42 and 44 pursuant to outline planning permission 19/00821.
Location: Phase 3 Parcel 1, Land for Aylesham Village Expansion North of, Dorman Avenue North, Aylesham
Discussions were held, RESOLVED no comment to this application.
- DOV/23/00951
- Planning Decisions
None received. - Planning Correspondence
None received. - Report
Councillor Allen gave a report on the Local Plan hearing that he had attended, the initial response was that Dover District Council had not been advised to make alterations to the Chillenden proposal, but this was still being considered.
- KALC (Kent Association Local Councils) & NALC (National Association Local Councils) – all updates emailed
- Free framed Portrait of the King – applied for
- Dover District Council – British Pilgrimage Trust Sanctuary
All of the above noted by members. - Letter of support for path/handrails request – Church Warden
Holy Cross
Agreed to provide a letter of support to the Church.;Action Clerk
- Nomination for English
Heritage Blue Plaque Scheme
Discussions were held, no suggestion to put forward.
- Proposed KCC Consultation to Divest
The results of the consultation will be on the consultation part of Kent County Council’s website by 14th May, nothing more to discuss.
Nothing to discuss.
- Training – KALC & Local Meeting 24th April
Noted by members. - Celebration of New Ministry Invitation– 20th
March St Nicholas Church Ash
The Chairman had attended.
- Annual Parish Assembly – Agenda
Clerk to amend the agenda and then email out to go on noticeboards.Action Clerk
- Dover District Council – Sports Spectacular Duke of Yorks School – 11th April
- Prepared Building Resilient Communities Training Workshop – 21st May, Ashford 9.30am-4.15pm
- Training – KALC & Community Prepared
All of the above noted by members.
PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION TIME: A short session set aside for parishioners to raise matters. Individual contributions should be kept to less than 5 minutes.
Nothing to add.
24th April – Annual Parish Assembly– 7.30pm – Goodnestone Village Hall22nd May 7.30pm – Goodnestone Village Hall
Meeting was formally closed at 21:03