Bank Holiday Weekend Events

There are several exciting events planned for the bank holiday weekend in Goodnestone.

Goodnestone Music festival will see four concerts across the weekend, starting on Thursday 26th with the Ringlemere Ensemble. On Friday 27th the Caritas Chamber Choir will be returning. Sunday 29th August brings a piano and violin recital from Anthony and Christian Halstead. Benedict Preece completes the music festival on Monday 30th with an organ concert.

All concerts are at 7.30pm in Holy Cross Church, Goodnestone. For more details and for tickets, visit the Goodnestone Music website at

Saturday 28th sees a table top sale on the Millenium Field from 11 – 3. Donations are welcome – please leave these in the porch at the village hall.

Also on Saturday 28th, there are two outdoor theatre events at Goodnestone Park – ‘Robin Hood’ a family show at 3pm and a dramatisation of Jayne Eyre at 7pm. For details and tickets, see

Parish Councillor Vacancy

Following the recent resignation of Andy Beeching from the Parish Council a Notice of Vacancy has now been placed on notice boards in Goodnestone and Chillenden. Andy will be missed by us all but he will still be around to support us in many other ways.

If you are interested in being considered for co-option to the council, please consult the noticeboards or contact Christine at

A New Look Website for Goodnestone

We hope you like this new look website for Goodnestone.

We are still adding content from the old website so please bear with us while content is updated. The addresses of most pages on the website have changed, so if you have links to individual pages, you may need to update these.

The new website is much easier to view on smaller devices such as mobile phones and tablets. It uses a more modern platform which makes it easier to manage.

The change also makes the website more accessible meaning it is easier to use for people with disability.

The relatively simple design was chosen to make the website as accessible as possible and to make it easy to navigate and maintain.

It is possible for people to have their own page or pages on this website that they maintain. If you are interested in doing this, please use the link to the contact form at the bottom of this page.