Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting

An Extraordinary Meeting of Goodnestone Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st May in All Saints Church, Chillenden (note the Church and not the Village Hall).

This is to discuss a planning proposal DOV/24/00259 concerning the erection of an agricultural building for the housing of cattle on agricultural land north of Station Road, Chillenden, CT3 1PP.

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and time will be given to allow members of the public to speak prior to the Parish Council discussion. The meeting agenda can be found on the Agendas and Minutes page.

Grant Funding for Rural Businesses and Community Organisations

Government Grants are available for UK Grants are available through the Rural England Prosperity Fund to support rural business and communities.. £300,000 has been allocated for the Dover district.

The funding is being used for a grant scheme for the district for:

  • Rural businesses – grants to develop new products and facilities that will be of wider benefit to the local economy, this includes farm businesses looking to diversify income streams.
  • Rural community organisations and Parish Councils – grants to support new and improved community infrastructure, providing essential community services and assets for local people and businesses to benefit the local economy.

Projects must be deliverable within 6 months of the grant being awarded. The deadline for application is 12 noon on Tuesday 30th April 2024.

For more information of to make an application, please see the REPF page on the Dover District Council website. You can also view the attached poster.

Parish Councillor Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen for the role of Councillor with Goodnestone Parish Council. Please see this official notice relating to the vacancy for details.

If you are interested in the role if Parish Councillor, please contact the clerk. The role does not require a large time commitment, and there is an opportunity to make a real difference in our community. For more information or for an informal discussion about the role, contact any of the existing Parish Councillors. Contact details are listed on the Parish Council contacts page.

Rural satellite broadband offer

Starlink are a provider of high-speed satellite broadband. Some people in the parish use the service and have reported a good experience. Costs are high, but for someone who regularly works from home or runs a business from home, it may be the best option.

They have just announced an offer that reduces the installation cost from £460 to £99 for rural customers. The monthly charge is still expensive at £75/month, but this may be worth considering for people struggling with slow broadband in the parish.

For more information or to sign up, check the Starlink website.

Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 16th May

Tuesday 16th May is Goodnestone Parish Council’s annual meeting and the first meeting of the newly elected council.

The meeting will take place at 7:30pm in Goodnestone Village Hall.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend. Please come along to meet and support the new council and to raise any issues.

The meeting agenda has been changed since the original draft that was circulated. You can see the latest agenda on the agendas and minutes Parish Council page.

Parish Council Elections – Councillors needed!

There are five Parish Councillors for the Civil Parish of Goodnestone (which includes Chillenden, Rowling and surrounding hamlets). Parish Council elections take place on Thursday 4th May and all five posts are up for election.

If you would like to get more involved with the Parish and to represent the community, the role of Parish Councillor could be for you.

Nominations open on Tuesday 21st March and close on Tuesday 4th April.

If you want to understand more about the role, speak to an existing councillor or contact Dover District Council.

Details of the nomination process will be posted on the Dover District Council website elections page.