Goodnestone Music Concert

'A night at the Musicals' Friday 8th July at 7.30pm in Goodnestone Church. with Catherine Futcher, Oliver Futcher and Tim Frost. Retiring collection More details are available on the Goodnestone Music Website

Goodnestone Music Concert

Piano Recital with Tim Frost 3.00pm on Sunday 17th July in Goodnestone Church Starry Sky Cycle by Urmas Sisack Retiring collection More details are available on the Goodnestone Music Website

Goodnestone Parish public meeting

Wednesday 20th July at 7.30pm in Goodnestone Village Hall Co-ordinated by Goodnestone Parish Council We want your ideas! Join a lively and interactive session to share and discuss thoughts and ideas about bringing positive change to the Parish of Goodnestone. Watch this space and keep an eye on the noticeboards for more details.

Parish Council Meeting

7.30pm on Wednesday 27th July in Chillenden Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome. An agenda for this meeting can be found on the Agendas and Minutes page on this website.

Pygmalion at Goodnestone Park

7pm on Saturday 20th August. For tickets and more details see the What's On page on the Goodnestone Park website.

Goodnestone Music concert

The Ringlemere Ensemble. 7.30pm in Holy Cross Church, Goodnestone. Tickets £10. Part of the 2022 Goodnestone Music festival. For more details, see the Goodnestone Music website.

Goodnestone Music Concert

Benedict Preece (organ). 7.30pm in Holy Cross Church, Goodnestone. Retiring collection. Part of the 2022 Goodnestone Music festival. For more details, see the Goodnestone Music website.

Goodnestone Music Concert

Caritas Chamber Choir. 7.30pm in Holy Cross Church, Goodnestone. Tickets £10. Part of the 2022 Goodnestone Music festival. For more details, see the Goodnestone Music website.

‘Fork to Fork’ Festival at Goodnestone Park

Sunday 28th August. Noon to 9pm. Featuring food stalls, workshops, garden tours, estate tours and live music. For tickets and more details see the What's On page on the Goodnestone Park website.

Goodnestone Music Concert

Helen Crayford (piano). 5.30pm in Holy Cross Church, Goodnestone. Tickets £10. Part of the 2022 Goodnestone Music festival. For more details, see the Goodnestone Music website.