Parish Council Meeting

7.30pm in Goodnestone Village Hall. The agenda for the meeting can be viewed on the Parish Council Agendas and Minutes page.

Parish Council Meeting

7.30pm in Chillenden Village Hall. The agenda for the meeting will be published on the Parish Council pages on this website closer to the time of the meeting.

Goodnestone Music Concert

6.00pm in Holy Cross Church, Goodnestone A Concert for Good Friday - A varied programme of music and readings for holy week. Retiring collection - no ticket required For more details, visit the Goodnestone Music website.

Annual Parish Meeting

Goodnestone Village Hall. 7.30pm on Wednesday 24th April. Please come along to the annual parish meeting to hear the latest news from the key groups in the community. All welcome.

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

An Extraordinary Meeting of Goodnestone Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st May in All Saints Church, Chillenden (note the Church and not the Village Hall). This is to discuss a planning proposal DOV/24/00259 concerning the erection of an agricultural building for the housing of cattle on agricultural land north of Station … Continue reading "Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting"

Goodnestone Music Concert

Friday 10th May, 7pm in Goodnestone Church 'An Evening of English Song' With Oliver Jones - Tenor and William Campbell - Piano For more details, see the Goodnestone Music website.

Parish Council Meeting

Goodnestone Parish Council Meeting - 7.30pm in Goodnestone Village Hall The agenda for this meeting will be posted on this website a few days before the meeting.

Goodnestone Music Concert

7pm. Saturday 29th June in Goodnestone Church Graham Rix - Piano For more details, please check the Goodnestone Music website

Parish Council Meeting

7.30pm on Wednesday 31st July in Goodnestone Village Hall. The agenda is available on the Agendas and Minutes page of this website

‘Five Children and It’ at Goodnestone Park

2.30pm on Wednesday 7th August. An outdoor performance of E E Nesbit's delightful story. For more details and to buy tickets, see the Goodnestone Park what's on web page.

‘Treasure Island’ at Goodnestone Park

3pm on Saturday 17th August. An outdoor performance of the family favourite. For more information or to buy tickets, visit the Goodnestone Park what's on page.